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Longparish Church of England Primary School (Aided)


At the end of the Reception, Longparish children will …

… play co-operatively with others, taking others into consideration in their behaviour, consistently taking turns and sharing as well as communicating their feelings, likes and dislikes to other adults or children

… be confident, independent and expressive, sharing ideas and opinions about stories, interests and experiences using a rich range of vocabulary and language structures.

… show control, co-ordination and strength when moving confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space.

…handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing. To know how to keep themselves and others healthy and safe.

…have growing confidence in word reading, reading a range of texts at home and in school. To understand and enjoy these texts.

… enjoy and engage with stories, being able to talk about the key events and characters, making links and comparisons with themselves and to the wider world.

… articulate ideas in a variety of contexts and be able to write these for others to read, using recognisable words and their phonic skills for spelling

… understand a numbers cardinal quality and compare numbers. Will understand that a number can be composed of two or more smaller numbers. Will apply what they know to solve real life problems.

… notice and create patterns, recognising and understanding relationships. Will understand what happens when shapes move and combine with other shapes. Will compare different aspects, such as length, weight and volume

… describe their immediate surroundings and their community, recognising changes over time and beginning to explain possible reasons for these changes. Will use comparative language to recognise similarities and differences in a range of sets including measures, numbers, objects in the natural world, music and art

… engage in imaginative play using props they have created from different materials. Will extend and adapt this play with others as it evolves.


 At Longparish Primary School, we intend to:

  • Make every child’s first experience of school happy, safe, positive and fun with the welfare of the child central to our provision of care, learning and play. 
  • Value the individuality of the children and ensure that regardless of their needs, all learning opportunities allow access and opportunities to stretch and challenge.
  • Enhance the natural curiosity every child starts their school journey with by providing a curriculum based on active learning in a stimulating environment that develops interest, excitement and motivation to learn.
  • Foster and nurture children’s selfconfidence so they are brave and recognise and fulfil their individual potential and special talents. 
  • Provide opportunities for children to take ownership of their learning and behaviour by making choices which will foster confident, independent and innovative learners and thinkers.
  • Support children to develop care, respect and appreciation for the environment in which they live and for others, including those with beliefs, cultures and opinions different to their own.
  • Promote collaborative learning by encouraging children to develop positive relationships with their peers and other members of the school community.
  •  Encourage parents and carers to become active partners with the school.
  • Ensure there is a smooth and effective transition between Early Years and Key Stage 1.           


At Longparish Primary School, our intent is implemented in accordance with the government’s document, ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ (EYFS, March 2021). This document sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. Reception is the final year of the EYFS. 

It is based on four key principles: 

  • Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and selfassured.
  • Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time. Children benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.  Learning and development is important because children develop and learn at different rates.

First Experiences

Making every child’s first experiences of school a happy one begins before they step foot into the classroom, wearing their uniform on their first day. We strive to make sure that when children enter Longparish Primary School, they are full of positive emotions – excitement, confidence and happiness so they settle quickly into school, learning and developing from day one.

Our implementation: 

  • Children are encouraged to visit the school with their parents on open days and tours before applying for a school place.
  • Open communication is encouraged between school and parents once school places have been offered, to form positive links with families.
  • Parents of children with specific needs will liaise with the SENCO, Head Teacher and class teacher to ensure an efficient transition. 
  • ‘Leap into Longparish’ visits to school during the summer term, prior to starting school. These are arranged in groups so the children do not feel overwhelmed. The children spend time playing in their class and the outside area whilst getting to know their peers and the EYFS staff. Staff start to form bonds with the children and get to know their interests and needs. An induction meeting is available with for parents and carers. This is where important information and the Reception curriculum will be shared to enable parents to understand the value of supporting their child’s home learning. 
  • Children receive a booklet with photographs of the school, including their new classroom, uniform and class teacher. 
  • When children attend their allocated ‘Leap into Longparish’ session, we will read the story ‘The Everywhere Bear’ by Julia Donaldson. Your child will bring home a bear themed ‘Transition Bag’.  Inside this bag there is a small soft bear (their very own Everywhere Bear!), and resources to make a small scrap book using pictures of the bear. Parents are encouraged to fill the scrap book with pictures of people who are special to their child, pictures of the bear at special places the child likes to go to, and pictures of the bear playing with things that are special to the child. These are shared in our first week of school in September, and will be displayed in the classroom.
  • Reception staff communicate with preschool settings to discuss the children’s interests and how they like to learn.
  • Reception staff may visit children in their preschool settings during the summer term to observe them in their familiar learning environment.
  • Reception staff visit the children in their own home during the first week of the autumn term. This helps the child to get to know and build relationships with their key adults in their own environment and provides further opportunity for further discussion between parents and staff.
  • Children have a slightly staggered start to staying at school for the whole day once the autumn term begins. They attend for a morning, a morning including lunch and then for the whole day.


At the Longparish Primary School, it is our privilege to ensure that in a safe environment, we encourage every aspect of a child to develop, regardless of starting point. We inspire children to continue being curious and provide opportunities for their lively, enquiring minds to grow. 

Our implementation:

  • Support for each child to develop an assured and confident sense of their own identity. This is through all adults modelling positive attitudes towards diversity, challenging stereotypical ideas and showing equal respect to all our children and families. 
  • Ongoing observations of each child as they play and carry out every day and planned activities. This includes gaining valuable information from parents about what the child does at home.
  • Ongoing reflection of the observations including how the child interacts and communicates, how they tackle and solve problems and their play preferences. 
  • Ongoing assessment, when the observations and reflection helps to identify where the child may be on their own developmental pathway including any possible barriers to making next steps. 
  • Ongoing planning where the aforementioned information is considered and next steps are planned for and adjusted so each child is engaged and supported to be stretched and challenged.  This is known as the Observation, Assessment and Planning cycle.
  • The swift identification of any need for additional support, working with the SENCO and external agencies, where necessary, to sensitively support the child, family and school. For further information, please see the SEND policy.

Curriculum and Environment

We aim to deliver an engaging, broad and balanced curriculum that provides individual and appropriate challenge as it progresses. This is through playful activities and rich learning opportunities which are relevant to all the children’s cultures and communities. Children will be supported to take risks in an environment which offers stimulating resources and encourages exploration.  

Our Implementation:

  • The curriculum is brought to life through 24 week long projects, such as: ‘Sparkle and Shine, ‘Autumn Explorers’, ‘Long, Long, Ago’ and ‘Ready, Steady, Grow’. When involved in project work children are encouraged to actively participate in the planning and development of their own learning. They gradually become independent learners with the support of knowledgeable adults and gain the confidence to voice their own thoughts and opinions. Projects are based around the questions, ideas and theories of the children and entail hands-on exploration and practical investigation.
  • High quality books with rich language are shared throughout each project to instil a love of reading and books whilst developing vocabulary.   
  • Learning is presented in a range of ways in Reception as we understand children learn and develop differently. There are some tasks the children must complete during the school day, such as short adultled phonics and maths sessions in addition to small group work. For the majority of the day however, the children are free to move between the indoor and outdoor learning environment, regardless of weather, for ‘Discovery Time’ This is when the children interact with the carefully planned activities and resources which leads to vital child-initiated learning.   
  • The learning environment is organised to support child initiated learning, allowing the children to learn and explore safely be active, quiet, creative, investigative, independent and collaborative. There are defined learning areas, where children are able to find challenges, resources and equipment independently. The learning areas include: Role Play, Writing, Creative, Maths, Reading, Investigation, Construction, Sand, Water, Mud Kitchen and Physical Development including Finger Gym and sport’s equipment.
  • During ‘Discovery Time,’ the adults in Reception observe the children playing, as a means of informing the Observation, Assessment and Planning cycle. Additionally, they become ‘play partners,’ playing alongside the children to extend knowledge, vocabulary and deepen understanding.
  • When planning children’s next steps, the teachers consider ways to support each child to strengthen and deepen their current learning and development. All planning is child centred and based on the needs and interests of the children, whilst taking into consideration the areas of learning and development which shape activities and experiences for children in all early years’ settings. 
  • Learning at school is complimented by home learning. There is the expectation that children read and are read to daily, phonics games are sent home to complete weekly and home learning tasks are suggested for each project that can be completed at home to extend learning and embed understanding.  

The seven areas of learning and development are all important and inter-connected. For each area there are Early Learning Goals that describe the level of development children should be expected to have attained by the end of the EYFS.

The Prime Areas of Development – build the foundations for children’s success by igniting curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, helping them to form positive relationships and therefore, thrive.

The prime areas are:

Communication and Language (including Listening, Attention & Understanding and Speaking):

The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. Children’s early interactions form the foundations for language and cognitive development. All children are encouraged to interact with adults and their peers in a language rich environment. Conversation, story-telling and role play enable children to use a developing range of vocabulary and rehearse language structures. Projects are group-learning experiences that encourage children to enter into dialogue, leading to the social construction of knowledge and understanding. During a project children constantly interact with each other and engage in conversation. This discussion helps them to make sense of their experiences and process information.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (including Self-Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships):

Children’s development in this area is crucial so they can lead happy and heathy lives. Every day in school, with the development of positive relationships with adults and their peers, children are supported to develop self-assurance to persist and show resilience when undertaking challenge. They learn to understand and manage their emotions, how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably, in addition to learning how to lead healthy lives and manage their personal needs independently. 

Physical Development (including Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills):

Children develop the gross motor skills of core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility through games and activities both inside and outside which is vital for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Fine motor skills are developed to enhance the progression of writing including tracing, colouring, painting, cutting, threading, dough, clay and many other aspects of manipulative play. 

The Specific Areas of Development - provide the range of experiences and opportunities for children to strengthen and apply the prime areas. The specific areas are:

Literacy (including Comprehension, Word Reading and Writing):

With reading for pleasure a key indicator of children’s future success, developing a life-long love of reading is crucial. Books and talking about books is a daily feature of life in the Reception environment with weekly learning always based on a story. Through ‘book talk’, enjoying rhymes, poems and songs, the children develop language comprehension and listening skills that are important for reading and writing. As soon as they are ready, the children will begin learning the letter sounds and tricky words through the structured daily phonics programme called ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’. Each week, the children take home a ‘phonics’ reading book that matches the sounds they are learning in class. They keep this book for a week and are encouraged to re-read it daily to develop word recognition, blending skills, fluency, expression and subsequently comprehension skills. They also bring home an ‘Interest’ reading book that can be changed daily and is at a higher level than the child can read independently. This book is to share as a family and develop a love of reading and books. Writing, in the form of mark-making, is encouraged from the time the children start at Longparish as a way of expressing themselves and recording meaning. The development of prewriting skills and co-ordination are supported through fun, independent and regular adult led activities whilst children can practise their developing skills during meaningful play opportunities within in the learning environment. Children are taught how to form letters in the pre-cursive style during phonics lessons as they learn the letter sounds.  

Mathematics (including Number and Numerical Patterns):

The development of a strong foundation in number is the aim of this area of learning so children can excel, develop positive attitudes and be confident, resilient mathematicians as they grow. Throughout the Reception year, the children follow the ‘White Rose Maths’ programme which continues throughout the school. They will develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers. They will learn through stories, songs, games and practical activities where they talk about maths, collaborate, explore and investigate number to look for patterns, connections and relationships. Children will develop their reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures.

Understanding the World (including Past & Present, People, Culture & Communities and The Natural World):

This area includes history, geography, religion and science with the aim of guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community. Opportunities such as investigations and meeting important members of society are provided to enhance the children’s personal experiences. Children will listen to a broad range of stories, non-fiction, poems and songs that will help to develop their understanding of our diverse world in addition to enriching and widening their growing vocabulary. 

Expressive Arts and Design (including Creating with Materials and Being Imaginative & Expressive):

This area of learning and experience develops children’s imagination and creativity. The children engage in and communicate through art, design technology, drama and dance activities where they explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. Through this, they develop their understanding, self-expression and vocabulary.   

Learning Characteristics

We consider it is of vital importance that children learn and develop positive characteristics as individuals alongside academic knowledge and skills. These are qualities that will ensure they continue to learn and thrive throughout their school life and beyond.

We will foster the school’s own learning characteristics, the ‘Longparish Learning Powers’ – resilience, reciprocity, resourcefulness and reflectiveness.

We will encourage the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning, as outlined in the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ (EYFS, March 2021) and the ‘Development Matters Document’ (2020): 

  • Playing and exploring (their engagement) children investigate, experience things and ‘have a go’ through a balance of adult led and child initiated planned, purposeful learning experiences. 
  • Active learning (their motivation) children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements. Opportunities are provided where the children have some independence and control over their learning and activities, making decisions and taking ownership.
  • Creating and thinking critically (their thinking) children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things. Adults support this and offer encouragement through clarification and openended questions.

Parents as partners

We recognise and value the important role parents play in education as they know their child best. Consequently, we encourage parents to engage in an active partnership with the school. This results in a positive impact on the child’s development and parents that feel secure to share important information, seek advice, help and support should they need it. It helps the child to feel safe and secure while in the setting if they see that their parents feel comfortable there. It creates a shared level of expectation, improves the child’s outcomes and ensures every child has their individual needs met. The success of this strong partnership is based on a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise.

Our implementation:

  • A strong induction and transition programme into school and into Year 1 (see First Experiences and Transition to Year 1).
  • Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s class teacher without delay if they have any concerns or queries. This is through an opendoor policy where parents can talk with the class teacher briefly at the beginning and end of the school day. Parents are welcome to make arrangements at drop off, pick up, by phoning or emailing the school office to arrange a longer discussion or meeting.
  • The use of the online Learning Journal ‘Tapestry’ for parents to engage in their child’s learning at school and equally to share home learning and experiences. 
  • The Reading Record book which parents and carers are encouraged to use to comment on their child’s reading at home. Parents are advised and encouraged to listen to their child read and read to their child each night.
  • Regular newsletters, informing parents of upcoming dates for the diary, events at school and in the community, and year group pages that summarise and celebrate recent learning. Email and text messaging are also used as reminders for events and to update information.  
  • A weekly ‘Learning Update’ letter that outlines the sounds, words and maths focus taught during the week with resources and ideas for activities that could be carried out at home to support phonics and maths development.
  • A curriculum overview letter for each project that outlines the learning experiences planned to take place in school over 24 weeks. 
  • Home learning challenges with suggestions on how to support and enrich the children’s learning.
  • Opportunities to see the children’s learning in practise through ‘Stay and Play’ sessions. These are for parents (or grandparents and other carers) to play with their child in the learning environment once a half term from 2.30pm until 3.10pm. Unfortunately due to Health and Safety, younger siblings are not able to attend these sessions and for safeguarding reasons all phones and mobile devices must be kept out of sight in bags or pockets and NO photographs can be taken. 
  • A range of activities, throughout the year, that encourage collaboration between child, school and parents, for example project learning celebrations, workshops, and exhibitions of work. This also extends to accompanying children on school visits. 
  • Parents are invited to workshops to develop their understanding of ways to support their child’s development at home.
  • Parents’ evening during the autumn, spring and summer terms to discuss children’s individual progress and targets with class teachers. A written report is also provided at the end of the academic year.

Transition to Year 1

Transition between year groups is an important step for children and we acknowledge that the step from Reception to Year 1 is a significant one due to the expectations of moving from the Early Years to the National Curriculum. There are many elements to ensuring children at Longparish experience a smooth and effective transition, as listed below, however we believe every child is unique, so the transition experience will be tailored to meet the child’s individual needs.

Our implementation:

  • Reception children meet Year 1 staff at lunch time, during Collective Worship sessions, and through other whole school activities during their Reception year.
  • Reception and Year 1 teachers work together throughout the year to make the transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1 as smooth as possible for each child.
  • Reception and Year 1 teachers meet during the summer term, and discuss at length the individual needs of the children.
  • EYFS Profiles and annual reports are passed on to the Year 1 teachers and discussed. 
  • SENCO, parents, Reception and Year 1 teachers meet during the summer term to discuss any additional needs and support.
  • Reception children complete transition activities throughout the second part of the summer term which are documented for parents on Tapestry and in the newsletter.
  • Reception children visit their new Year 1 class and teacher for a ‘move up’ day (additional visits are arranged as necessary). They receive a ‘meet the teacher’ leaflet with information about their new teacher. 
  • Year 1 teacher visits the children in their Reception class during the second part of the summer term. 
  • Activities are arranged for Reception children to spend time with Year 1 in their new classroom. 
  • Year 1 maintains many similar routines to Reception and the classrooms include learning areas and resources that are recognisable too.
  • The learning for the first half of the autumn term of Year 1 follows a similar structure to Reception.


At Longparish Primary School, we adhere to the principles of assessment for learning. We analyse and review what we know about each child’s development and learning, and then make informed decisions about the child’s progress, this is based on ongoing observations of what the children know and can do. This enables us to plan the next steps to meet their development and learning needs. All adults who interact with the child contribute to the assessment process, with great importance placed on parent voice. Children are also encouraged to assess their own learning, primarily through discussion. 

Formative assessment - This type of assessment (mentioned previously as part of the ‘observation, assessment and planning cycle’) informs everyday planning and is based on ongoing observational assessment of each child’s achievements, interests and learning styles. Formative assessment may take the form of anecdotal observations, focused observations, other focused assessments e.g. sound/number and high frequency words, annotated examples of independent work, photographs, and information from parents. We plan for observations when undertaking short term planning. Some of these observations and assessments are recorded using an online learning journey, Tapestry. Each child has a profile and the assessments are attached to that child’s profile. 

Summative assessment - Individual assessments are recorded using the Target Tracker assessment tracking tool. On-entry baseline assessments are entered into the system based on transition documents from pre-school settings and initial observations. At points during the year, the tracking tool is used to summarise children’s progress through the curriculum. This allows the school to see where the children are on their own developmental pathway and if they have made progress from their individual starting point.

Statutory assessment - Within the first six weeks in which a child starts Reception, they undertake the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA). This is a short and simple check of a child’s early literacy, communication, language and maths skills. There is no pass mark or score and the assessment uses play activities so the children do not realise they are completing an assessment.

At the end of the Reception year, the EYFS Profile is completed for each child. Its aim is to provide parents, carers and teachers with a well-rounded picture of a child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities, their attainment against expected levels, and their readiness for year 1. Each child’s level of development is assessed as emerging or meeting the expected levels of development, against the early learning goals (see Curriculum and Environment above). 

Monitoring Impact - Class teachers, alongside Senior Leaders and the SENCO meet termly to review the attainment and progress of children and key groups of children. These meetings also review the actions put in place to support children who are not working at expected levels of development or are not making expected progress through the curriculum. 

Further termly analysis of the assessment data by the Senior Leadership team, enables us to reflect on the EYFS profile to ensure the curriculum offered is accessible for all and meets the needs of the children.  

Teachers participate in regular in-school and local authority group moderation meetings. This provides an external quality assurance and validation of our teacher assessments. The EYFS Profile data is analysed by the Head Teacher, the EYFS leader and the Local Advisory Committee.