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Longparish Church of England Primary School (Aided)

Heron Class

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Heron Class 

For children in Years 1 and 2.

Our termly newsletter is published below


Fun facts about the Heron:

  • Herons build nests in colonies. The nests are made of sticks.
  • Herons live near the ocean as well as near and wetlands.
  • Herons can live 20 years or more.
  • Great blue herons look big, but weigh only about 6 pounds because their bones are hollow.
  • Herons have good vision and can hunt during the night, as well as the day.

Here, you will find a variety of information that will help you organise everything to have a really successful year.

Class Teacher: Mrs Wills

LSA: Mrs Corsan

A few reminders:

Our PE days are Monday and Friday.

Please don't forget to wear your kit into school. As long as the weather permits, we will be outside so please remember to wrap up warm on the chillier days!

We try to get out as much as possible, so if it is drizzly we may still take a break outside. It is really important that children come to school with a warm raincoat on those damper days.

Home learning Expectations:

Home learning is about ensuring further practice helps embed new knowledge and skills into the long-term memory. 

In KS1, we expect each child to read daily, with an adult writing in their reading record. Each child will have an 'Interest reader' and a library book. In addition to this, Year 1 will have a phonics reader clearly labelled to share what sounds we have been learning. In addition to this, children have access to an online library of e-books either on ELS or Sora.

Children also have access to Numbots to become more fluent in their number recall. In addition to this, constant practice of adding, subtracting one, doubling, halving, adding/subtracting small numbers and number bonds.

  • Number Bonds to 10
    • 0 and 10 are big strong men
    •  1 and 9 are feeling fine
    •  2 and 8 are never late
    •  3 and 7 come from Devon
    •  4 and 6 like to play tricks
    •  5 and 5 come alive
    •  6 and 4 hold open the door
    •  7 and 3 visit for tea
    •  8 and 2 are feeling blue
    •  9 and 1 have some fun
    • 10 and zero are superheroes

We do send home a list of Year 1 and 2 words, which we would like you to keep referring back to when reading and writing at home. We encourage children writing lists, letters, postcards, stories to build up their stamina of writing and to practise using the sounds and spellings taught in school.
We use continuous cursive letters when writing and expect each child to use lead in and outs when writing their letters. There is a website below with the examples, please do practise these with your child.

In June, Year 1 will take part in a phonics screening, so nearer to the time we will send home pseudo (alien) and real words for you and your child to practise.

In May, Year 2 will complete their SATS, we do refer to these as ‘Challenges’ and will ensure children feel happy, safe and confident  to take part in these.

We may send home mental maths activities in the Spring time to keep the skills in their long term memory.

Some school documents to support you:

  • Meet the teacher
  • Year 1 and 2 Spelling words
  • Termly Overviews
  • End of Year expectations for Year 1
  • End of Year expectations for Year 2
  • KIRFS for whole year for year 1 and 2

Our school online learning websites:

These links take you to a number of websites that will offer you an opportunity to practice and rehearse your learning in order to become a more confident and fluent learner - be it a more fluent reader or a more fluent mathematician who can rapidly recall all his 12x12 times tables.

 Other school based links:

Useful links to help you: