Welcome Robins (Reception class)

What an incredible start our new Robin class has had this week!! The children have settled in very confidently, coming into school happily, making new friends and learning new classroom routines. Super well done to our new Robins on their first full week of school!!
We have started our phonic sounds this week, reading and writing s,a,t, p. All children have taken home their first reading book to share with their parents.
They have met their class buddy and enjoyed spending time getting to know them at lunchtimes and sharing time playing with them in the outdoor provision.
They also got started learning woodwork skills; using the saw themselves to cut their wood and develop the dexterity to add nails and woodwork designs. Yesterday Robin class started learning cooking skills, making pinwheel sandwiches, rolling and using a knife to cut the bread and spread jam or cream cheese.
We have loved making new friends and exploring our indoor and outdoor learning space.